Sunday, May 29, 2016

2.5D Digitizing

Has been a goal of mine for a long time to create digitized 2.5D objects. 2.5D is an engineering term for mould making, in computer graphics documents clearly state that a heightmap is a 2.5D structure.

A game sprite using Anti-photo (2003). The program takes a 2D photo and a depth image, and recreates the original 3D scene that the photo has captured.
This object was taken from the net. The model is of poor quality, the face is basically a cone. With voxels the human brain is able to overlook small discrepancies.
I will be testing depth maps from the net and posting outputs here.
Voxel power.
Background objects still have plenty of detail.
Outdoor scene.
Inaccurate depth map.

All structures are defined in perspective, so is non-structures (space). Space leaping is a simple greater than and less than operation.The i7 will be able to run 30fps no problems. A lookup table increased the performance from 10 fps to 60 fps. 

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